Mom and dad adopted him almost exactly 3 years ago from an ACS foster. The adoption was made official on Valentine’s Day and he came home a few days later! 🙂 So, Ned had been on “that” list that no dog wants to be on…and that foster couldn’t bear to see such a sweet fellow be put down. Mom was looking for a Labradoodle…but Dad was like, let’s see what the shelter has to offer first. It was love at first sight when Mom saw the ACS photo of Ned, which she still has as a keepsake at home. And ladies, he is single, if you can believe it, but there are no kids in this guy’s future. 😉
Ned was heartworm positive when he was adopted but Mom and Dad made it a priority to get him treated as soon as possible. Now Ned is as healthy as a horse and has been heartworm free for almost 3 years! His favorite past time is going anywhere that Mom goes…and he loves car rides! The car ride can be to anywhere really but his favorite destination is Petco because that is the toy store! Ned loves playing with his toys in his spare time…when he isn’t busy seeing what Mom is doing, or munching on his favorite snack, carrots. He is an easy going, laid back, and very friendly dog who enjoys being the only big dog around, which is perfect since both of his sisters are chihuahuas!
Everyone take a moment to congratulate Ned, the winner of our first “Love is in the Air” Valentine Photo contest! He now will enjoy the freshest breath with his new Oravet chews that he won…and be ready for his next dental close-up!