We believe in the judicious use of vaccinations to help prevent contagious disease in our pet population and recommend having pets vaccinated on a regular schedule at every life stage. With regular immunizations, your pets will be equipped in case of disease exposure, such as rabies, parvo, distemper, and influenza.
Acorn Hill Animal Hospital is dedicated to offering preventive care that keeps your companions as healthy as possible and is affordable.

Do Vaccines Make Your Pets Sick?
No - our hospital uses the safe, high-quality vaccines that are on the market to keep adverse reactions to a minimum. Some puppies and kittens might seem a bit sleepy the day after their first booster shots, which is a normal reaction.
For those rare pets that do experience an allergic reaction, we might opt to discontinue the vaccine responsible. If your pet is not acting like themselves after being vaccinated, let us know immediately.

Recommended Dog Vaccines
There are certain vaccines that every dog needs, in addition to optional vaccines given based on lifestyle, age and risk level.
Those vaccines listed below are part of the core immunization category, which means they're essential to your dog's health and well-being.
- Rabies
- Distemper
- Hepatitis
- Parvovirus
- Parainfluenza
- Leptospirosis
- Bordetella
Recommended Vaccines for Cats
If your cat lives out its days indoors, you might think that means they are safe from infection. That is not the case. Harmful bacteria and viruses can be brought into their homes, which puts them at risk. If your cats is an outdoor cat, he or she needs their vaccines, no exceptions.
Our recommended vaccines for cats include:
- Rabies
- Panleukopenia (feline distemper)
- Herpesvirus
- Calicivirus
- Feline leukemia (recommended for kittens and indoor/outdoor cats)