Our San Antonio hospital provides comprehensive treatment and management for allergies and itchy pets to include allergy testing. Treatments include sytemic, non-pharmaceutical/biologic and topical treatments.
For their comfort and your sanity, don’t write excessive scratching or odd behaviors off as passing annoyances—these could be signs of skin disorders or allergies, which can be very uncomfortable for your pet.
Our veterinarians are experienced in diagnosing and treating skin disorders and allergic reactions. It’s important to get excessive scratching or licking concerns addressed quickly because they can lead to bigger problems. Keeping your pet's skin healthy and removing the cause of any allergic reaction will bring your pet much needed relief and protect against secondary issues such as skin infections, hot spots, pain, anxiety, and aggression.

Symptoms that your pet my exhibit with allergies are:
- Constant scratching, licking, and/or chewing of the skin
- Constant chewing at and licking of the paws
- Unable to get comfortable (restlessness)
- Patches of inflamed skin and hair loss
- Odor coming off your pet’s skin
- Red, swollen ears
- Runny eyes and nose
- Sneezing
- Hair loss between the toes

Simple allergy tests can help us determine the root cause of your pet's troubles. In most cases, allergies are caused from three different sources:
- Environmental Allergies — These are anything in your pet's environment, such as pollen, mold, even other animal dander. We’ll help you find the best way to remove the allergen from your home.
- Food Allergies — Being allergic to something in their diet is common. Through a few quick questions about your pet's diet, coupled with an allergy test, we can help you find hypoallergenic food and treats that offers your pet much needed relief.
- Flea Bite Allergies — Dogs and cats can be allergic to the saliva of fleas. This can lead to painful, open sores which may become infected (“hot spots”). Let us provide guidance on the best medications and insecticides to keep your pet comfortable and your family safe.
Whether purchased from a breeder, adopted from a rescue group, or acquired from a friend or family member, your new pet should get a physical on their first visit. Please bring a written record of any medical or vaccination history you received. We will also check for intestinal parasites, fleas, ear mites, and more. If possible, please bring a stool sample on your first visit to make this process easier.
We will also discuss housebreaking, training, feeding, and spaying or neutering. We will work with you to provide you and your family the support and tools necessary to help your new pet grow into a well-mannered, healthy, and happy dog or cat.