Your pet is special. No one understands that more than our team of veterinary professionals. We will always work to keep your pet comfortable. And when the time comes that we cannot maintain her quality of life, we are here to help you with her final care.
We promise to honor you and your pet’s dignity through this entire process. Below we give more detail about how we engage with you and your pet during this difficult time.
Quality of Life. This consultation is a time of open and honest conversation with our clients. For some families, this is after their pets have endured a chronic disease process. For others, their “family member” has lived a long wonderful life and now there are concerns about her quality of life.
In some circumstances, the family leaves with a much better understanding of what their pet is going through, and realize that she is comfortable. Other times, we make adjustments in treatments that help keep her remaining days enjoyable and pain-free. And unfortunately, in other situations, we all agree that she has lived a great life and it is time to allow her to pass with dignity.

We have all grieved the loss of pets in our lives. We will walk with you through every step in this process. When you have decided it is the time for her to cross the rainbow bridge, our compassionate staff will escort you and your beloved companion to our comfort room. We will administer a series of medications that will allow her to fall asleep comfortably, then allow her to peacefully pass. Finally, we will help you with body care decisions and if any memorable keepsakes are appropriate.
This is the saddest part of our jobs, but we are committed to serve our clients in the best times and the most difficult times. If we can be of assistance during this difficult time, please contact us.